Region Skåne

How you can influence politics

If you want to get involved in and influence Region Skåne’s political processes, there are several different ways for you to do so.

En person går med ett röstkort i handen.

Contact Your Politicians

You can always contact Region Skåne’s politicians via telephone and email.

Get Involved in a Political Party

During the 2022-2026 term of office, Region Skåne will be governed by an alliance consisting the Moderate Party (EPP), the Christian Democrates (EPP) and the Liberal Party (ALDE) with support from the party Sweden Democrates when it comes to issues concerning budget end economy.

Vote for the Regional Council

The Regional Council is Region Skåne’s highest deciding body, and Skåne’s residents elect the 149 representatives who sit on it every four years.

Follow the Regional Council’s Debates

When the Regional Council meets, you can follow the debate and see how decisions are made via online TV.

View Documents and Decisions

When Region Skåne’s political bodies meet, their agenda is available in advance on You can also view the minutes after the meeting.

Citizen Dialogue and User Collaboration

With citizen dialogue and user collaboration, we give citizens the opportunity to comment on and discuss important issues via focus groups, online questionnaires or direct contact.

Last updated: 22 October 2024

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