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About cookies

Skane.se uses cookies. Cookies are small files that are stored on your computer with information about what you do on the website. Here you can read about which cookies we use and change your settings for web analysis cookies.

Cookies for web analytics

To improve the website, we use cookies for web analysis. With the help of cookies, we learn, among other things, what you click on, what type of device you use and certain settings in your browser.

Information that is collected with the cookies and that contains personal data about you is saved for a maximum of six months. Region Skåne, our supplier Whitespace and their subcontractor have access to the information until it is deleted.

  • _pk_id is used to identify your browser as a visitor to the website. Stored for a maximum of 13 months.
  • _pk_ses gives us information about which pages you visit and how you use the website. Saved for 30 minutes after your last recorded activity.

Cookies for necessary functions

Necessary cookies are used for the website to work well for you and to ensure the operation of the website. They are also used to remember if you have accepted cookies for web analytics.

  • ASP.NET_SessionId is set by skane.se and is required for the website to function properly. It keeps track of the choices you make on the website and accompanies you throughout your visit. Disappears when the browser is closed.
  • EPiForm_BID is set by skane.se when you fill in a form to keep track of which form you are filling in. Expires after 90 days.
  • EPiForm_VisitorIdentifier is set by skane.se and saves information that you have submitted a form. Contains no identifiable data. Expires after 90 days.
  • The _RequestVerificationToken is set by skane.se and prevents potentially harmful content from being sent to the website. Disappears when you close your browser.
  • LILUM is set by the lilum.lightsinline.se domain to identify overload attacks and website performance issues.
  • survey- is set by skane.se and saves information that you have been asked to answer surveys. Expires after 90 days.
  • consent-essential-cookies are set by skane.se and save information that you have only approved cookies that are necessary for the website to function. Expires after 999 days.
  • consent-non-essential-cookies are set by skane.se if you allow cookies for web analysis. Expires after 999 days.

Block cookies in the browser

You can set your browser so that you automatically deny the storage of cookies or be informed every time a website requests to store cookies on your computer. However, this may mean that you do not get access to all functionality on the website as necessary cookies are also blocked.

Through the browser, yu can also delete cookies that have been stored previously. See your browser's help pages for more information.

Questions about cookies

Contact our web editors if you have any questions about cookies used on this website.


Last updated: 13 May 2024

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