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Work in Region Skåne with education from abroad

If you have health care education and a qualification from abroad, you are welcome to work for us in Region Skåne.

Health care professions that require medical license

There are 22 professions within health and medical care in Sweden that require Swedish medical license. If you have been educated in another country within any of these professions and want to work in Sweden, you must apply for and receive a Swedish medical license before you can start working.

How you get a Swedish medical license depends on which country you obtained your qualification in and which country you have worked in, if applicable. The Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen) is the agency that validates and issues medical licenses in Sweden.

Health care professions that do not require medical license

There are a number of professions within health and medical care that do not require medical license, for example, assistant nurse, care assistant or pharmacy technician.

Contact the Swedish Public Employment Service (Arbetsförmedlingen) for advice on whether your education is suitable for working within health and medical care in Sweden. In some cases the Swedish Council for Higher Education may assess your foreign education.

Studying abroad

If you are studying medicine abroad, you may apply for an internship in Sweden. You apply to the University of Lund for an internship within Region Skåne.

Get help from the International Office

The International Office in Region Skåne helps people educated abroad to obtain a Swedish medical license and enter the Swedish health care profession.

The International Office can help you with the following, among other things:

  • How to apply for a Swedish medical license, and what preparations to make.
  • Swedish language training.


Last updated: 12 July 2024

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