Seeking Psychiatric Care

When you are feeling mentally unwell, you may need to seek help and support to be able to feel better.

En person står med ryggen vänd mot kameran och blickar ut över en sjö och skog.

Children and Young People (up to 18 years)

If you are young (0–18 years) and feeling down, or are the parent of a child up to 18 years old, you can phone for help or advice:

Telephone number: 020-512 020
Telephone hours: Weekdays 8.00 AM – 4.30 PM

If you are already in contact with paediatric psychiatry (BUP), please contact your local BUP or First Line Clinic (clinics for children and young people aged 6–18 with minor problems).

Emergency Psychiatric Care for Children and Young People

In case of urgent psychological problems during weekdays, you can turn to one of paediatric psychiatry’s (BUP’s) polyclinic clinics. At evenings and weekends, BUP’s clinic in Malmö, which receives children and young people from all over Skåne, is available.

Adults (from 18 years)

For minor psychological problems, such as insomnia, mild anxiety, mild depression or grief reactions, you should, in the first instance, turn to your care centre for help. Your doctor can refer you on to specialist psychiatry if needed.

For more serious psychological problems, such as depression, severe anxiety and worry, obsessive thoughts or psychotic experiences, please turn to an adult psychiatric clinic.

Emergency Psychiatric Care for Adults

There are four psychiatric emergency clinics for adults that are open 24/7 in Region Skåne. If you feel very low and that you can’t carry on, please seek help directly at an emergency psychiatric clinic, or dial 112.

Compulsory Psychiatric Care

If someone is very unwell and doesn’t want help, compulsory psychiatric care may be appropriate. It’s a last resort that may be necessary to save lives.

Last updated: 29 August 2024

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