If you are unhappy with your care
If you have views on or complaints about the care that you or a person close to you have been given, there are several ways for you to make them heard.
If you are unhappy with your care you can:
- Contact the healthcare staff who examined or treated you. You can also contact the head of the unit if you are dissatisfied with the explanation given by healthcare staff, or if you do not feel that contact with staff is working.
- Contact the Patients’ Advisory Committee (Patientnämnden Skåne).
- Some incidents can also be reported to the Health and Social Care Inspectorate (IVO).
You can lodge complaints and views concerning anything from minor problems to serious situations that have led to permanent injury or death. By giving your views, you are contributing to safer health care.
Patientnämnden Skåne
- E-mail: patientnamndenskane@skane.se
- Phone: 0770-11 00 10
- Telephone hours: Wednesday-Friday 09:00 - 12:00 Monday 09:00 - 12:00
Last updated: 19 August 2024
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